
Coaching and Golf

Coaching and Golf

The last two weeks of June were very memorable for me. My daughter graduated from the University of St Andrews in Scotland, and I also took the opportunity to play…

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864 452 BP Coach

The Role of Trust and Intuition in Mentorship

Acting as a coach/mentor is one of the best expressions of leadership and, in particular, mindful leadership. An engaged and connected leader doesn’t see coaching or mentoring as an act…

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150 150 BP Coach

Millennial Managers? What Coaches can Do to Help Prepare Companies

By 2020 Millennials will make up 50 percent of the global workforce, and every day more of their members are eligible to become supervisors, managers and bosses. The only problem…

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150 150 BP Coach

Leadership Development: Which is Best? Teaching, Mentoring or Coaching?

In order to answer this question, we first need to understand the distinctions between them and the value of each approach. While many see teaching, mentoring and coaching as somewhat…

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150 150 BP Coach