Latest blog on coaching and training consulting services in Singapore and Asia Pacific

Change your story, change your life!

Do you want a better life? Do you want a life that is full of zest,

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150 150 BP Coach

Exercising Judgement with Mindfulness

Wow! How time flies! We are coming towards the end of the first quarter and as I reflected on this period, looking for some interesting perspectives to share, the word…

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150 150 BP Coach

Leading High Performance Team

It’s that time of the year where many organisation are busy setting and aligning their goals to meet the challenges ahead. Setting and aligning goals are important. However, many companies forget…

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150 150 BP Coach

Understanding & Leading the Millennials

Millennials are people who are aged between 20 to 35, as at 2016. They are also known as the Gen Y's, Internet Generation or i-Gens, Why do Baby Boomers and…

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150 150 BP Coach